SAMO Fund Projects
💝#LoveYourPark this Valentine's Day
💝#LoveYourPark this Valentine's Day
Santa Monica Mountains Fund Exists To Protect and Facilitate Appreciation of this Unique Area
Our MISSion
The Santa Monica Mountains Fund works to protect and encourage appreciation and understanding of the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area.
The Fund achieves this by supporting National Park Service efforts in education, science, research, improved facilities, citizen engagement, stewardship and philanthropy.
Our History
The Santa Monica Mountains Fund was established in 1988 to support education and the protection of resources in the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area. Originally incorporated as the Santa Monica Mountains Parklands Association, the organization was formed by concerned citizens to represent the interests of the public in the development of parklands and recreation opportunities within the mountains.
how we work
The Santa Monica Mountains Fund is the official non-profit supporting the National Park Service (NPS) in the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area. As such, the Fund works closely with NPS management to allocate funds, resources and our own staff time to support scientific research, trails and ecological maintenance, restoration projects and education for elementary through college students.
Preserves natural and cultural resources for the enjoyment, education, and inspiration of all people. The SMMNRA cooperates with partners such as SAMO Fund to support habitat restoration, hiking trail improvement, educational programs, and wildlife conservation in the Santa Monica Mountains —our nation’s largest urban national park.
SAMO is the fundraising and educational arm of NPS.
SMMC is an agency of the State of California. Through direct action, alliances, partnerships, and joint powers authorities, the Conservancy’s mission is to strategically buy back, preserve, protect, restore, and enhance treasured pieces of Southern California to form an interlinking system of urban, rural and river parks, open space, trails, and wildlife habitats that are easily accessible to the general public.
Gives grants to nonprofit organizations for educational and interpretation programs that have served hundreds of thousands of children and other park visitors. The Conservancy maximizes its effectiveness by working together with local government, joint powers entities, landowners, State and Federal agencies, and community-based organizations to secure and develop parkland.
Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority
MRCA is a local public agency dedicated to the preservation and management of local open space and parkland, wildlife habitat, coastal access, watershed lands, and trails in both wilderness and urban settings, and to ensuring access to public parkland and coastal resources.
The MRCA works in cooperation with the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy and other local government partners to acquire parkland, participate in vital planning processes, work towards wildfire resilience, connect wildlife habitat, and complete
major park improvement project. It is one of the lead agencies revitalizing the Los Angeles River and its tributaries.
The mission of MRCA is to complement the work of other agencies
protecting land in the Southern California mountains by using its unique abilities to acquire and improve open space and parkland, afford environmental education opportunities, and provide stewardship for a wide variety of public park and open space amenities.