Native Plant Nursery
To support native plant conservation in the Santa Monica Mountains while welcoming the public to learn and grow with us!
Ecology & Education
Native Seed Program
We collect and clean native seeds, ensuring conservation-quality seed samples of over 600 species of the plants native to the Santa Monica Mountains.
We grow over 100,000 plants a year, curating a world-class herbarium for current and future scientific research.
Interns and Education
We recruit and train as many interns, entry-level workers and volunteers as possible. They learn about California native plant botany, horticultural practices, and habitat restoration techniques.
Oxnard Young Ecologists
We work with High School students from Oxnard and introduce them to careers in habitat restoration with native plants, botany, and other related topics.
In the community
Nursery Workshops
We offer free and low-cost native plant education to all of Southern California through workshops, classes and conferences.
Monarchs & Milkweed
We provide free plants and seed to local underserved groups, including local tribes, community gardens, land trusts, and others.
We have distributed 1000’s of free plants, held free native plant science classes for local youth, recruitment and have a diverse internship pool. Each of these would not exist without support from donors like you!
Please select ‘Native Plant Nursery’ from the funds list on the donation page!
YouTube Channel
We have created a number of educational videos for all to view and learn! Check out our online video educational resource.
Did you know that the Native plant nursery Has it’s own newsletter?
Keep up to date with us by subscribing here!
Thank you for your interest in bringing a group to work in the Santa Monica Mountains Fund's Native Plant Nursery at Rancho Sierra Vista in Newbury Park.
To best accommodate your group, we suggest a donation of $500 for groups of 7-12 people, and a donation of $2500 for larger groups of up to 40 people. If your organization is unable to make such a donation, we suggest speaking with individuals from your group and asking that those who can please make a $25 donation per person.
The funds go directly to support our nursery work and staff, and to support the different programs that are run out of the nursery, including the Free Milkweed Program, the Oxnard Young Ecologists Program, and our Native Plant/ Restoration Internship program.
A donation is not required for volunteering; however, large groups (7 or more) may not be able to be accommodated if our staff is limited and/or dedicated to other projects. Thanks for understanding and for supporting Santa Monica Mountains Fund.