SAMO Youth
SAMO Youth is an award-winning, immersive, paid internship program focused on park work experience in the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area
The SAMO Youth program accepts 18 college students/recent grads annually, for seasonal work in the summer and potential employment extensions for eligible participants
SAMO Youth recruits highly-motivated, diverse individuals, aged 18-25, from under-served communities in LA and Ventura counties, interested in a summer of exploring environmental careers
Successful applicants work for eight immersive weeks over the summer. During this time, SAMO Youth Interns work closely with National Park Service (NPS) rangers and technicians, and experience many aspects of a career in the NPS, including trail maintenance, restoring structures, acting as guides to the public, organizing events, restoring habitat or working at the native plant nursery.
SAMO Youth was established in 2000, with 10 students. The program has grown annually and there are now hundreds of young people who can say that they were a SAMO Youth!
A Typical week in the life of SAMO Youth
SAMO Youth 2024 by numbers
18 participants in the SAMO Youth Summer Field Crew of 2023
3,000 young black walnut trees planted
4 acres of black walnut trees watered and cared for
707 hours of Trails & Facilities work accomplished
Over 11 miles of trail maintenance completed
965 hours completed at the two native plant nurseries
SAMO Youth were trained on the natural and cultural resources of the Santa Monica Mountains Natural Recreation Area. This allowed them to be informed naturalists at events, such as Park After Dark
SAMO Youth introduces participants to different careers within conservation. The partnership between the museum and SAMO Youth allows behind-the-scenes tours of various departments, such as the dinosaur and bird collections
SAMO Youth explored the Botanic Garden’s herbarium collection and their insect laboratory. Being a participant of SAMO Youth means discovering different departments of museums and other collections that may not be available to the general public
Observing and identifying birds is a useful skill. SAMO Youth were taught observation skills before an exclusive tour of the museum
SAMO Youth learn about the importance of the natural world. LA compost is a community based non-profit organization, and with them, SAMO Youth learned about the benefits of composting and how bringing communities together can benefit neighborhoods
Part of SAMO Youth is the growth of the participants and exposure to transferrable career skills. Enrichment activities and presentations are delivered by Park Biologists, Visitor Resource Protection Rangers, Education Rangers, and the Management team
Many thanks to our partners - SAMO Youth is richer from your collaborations and opportunities
“Participants bring their dedication, enthusiasm, and compassion daily to enrich theirtime in the park and encourage positive connection among their peers.”
“From the very first day, SAMO Youth provides a safe work and learning space for all participants. A key concept of the program is the opportunity to connect and rely on one another. ”
SAMO Youth Recent Graduation
SAMO Youth Partnerships
Thanks to the National Park Foundation for making this program possible
SAMO Fund partners with NPS for SAMO Youth